Social Interaction and Social Structure: This chapter breaks down the different types of societies and their interactions with each other. Also it covers the effect of social networking and other technological advances that have altered the way society communicates. Chapter 5 really helps you to become more aware of the inner workings of a society.
This link looks into the always growing trend of social networking through various sites on the internet. It does not so much look into the effects of this on society as much as how society seems to function when using these types of resources. One observation I have noticed about people is they are preferring to interact more over the internet rather than in person.
This image below many silhouettes of people interacting with on another which in a way is representative of society in itself.
The following article discusses physically activity and the role that social structure along with other factors can play. I liked this article because it did not just look into the role of income, (though it is covered) it included many different social factors that come into play.
“Society does not consist of individuals, but expresses the
sum of interrelations, the relations within which these
individuals stand.”
― Karl Marx,
The following link looks at the relation of social interaction and health. This is really cool because it places importance on the idea of social interaction and ties it into our quality of life. Many times people can become reserved from society which in turn may not be the most healthy option.
This video is a little long but shows how social interaction happens and over time how big it can get. It was a cool older video that I felt covered some of the topics from the chapter.
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