Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chapter 13

Families and Religion:  This chapter discusses the role and interactions within the family unit.  It looks at the different ways in which family operates and communicates in order to function or not function.  It explains Extended Family (which is a whole series of parents, children, and other relatives who form a family unit) and Nuclear Family (this is the immediate parents and their children making up the family unit.  In the chapter it also talks about many different theories on family and their function.

The following study takes a look at families in relation to work and the environment around them.  I picked this article because I feel that work in a lot of cases is overshadowing the aspect of family.  This being more so in the lower social classes do to trying to make ends meet.  Though this study is relatively broad, it touches on the aspect of working less hours and its effect on the family.

This picture to me shows a nuclear family unit. I think that it gives of the feeling of a very healthy and cohesive family. 

The following article discusses the effect of religion on at risk youth from two viewpoints.  One is as individual religion and the other being family religiousness.  It looks at the effect of religion on stress levels in these youth.

" The family is both the fundamental unit of society as well as the root of culture. It ... is a perpetual source of encouragement, advocacy, assurance, and emotional refueling that empowers a child to venture with confidence into the greater world and to become all that he can be."

MARIANNE E. NEIFERT, Dr. Mom's Parenting Guide

This video is a breakdown of family and religion.  It shows the difference between many aspects of the family unit. 

This link is another in depth look at the family unit.  It goes more in depth and breaks it down. very interesting read.  Family is a society all its own and is many are very different in the way they function and operate.  Looking at it this way helps me to see why the people around us are so different and diverse.

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